Category: Events

The 67th BSRA Annual Scientific Meeting University of Exeter 10th 8211 12th July 2017 The Biology of Ageing and the Omics Revolution How omics technologies allow detailed dissection of ageing processes and age related disease Local Organiser Lorna Harries Draft Programme is available on the following link Programme FINAL 2017 Confirmed speakers Judith Campisi Linda Partridge Luigi Ferrucci

The Ageing Cell conference is taking place at the Babraham Institute Cambridge on the 27 28th March 2017 The full programme and further details can be found online here http www babraham ac uk the ageing cell programme Register now The lucky 100th registrant wins their place for free

A Special Issue of Biogerontology The SI on BSRA 2015 Basic Biology of Ageing and BSRA ASM 2016 Evolution and the Biology of Ageing is dedicated to Biological mechanisms of ageing from bench to bedside nbsp The main topics faced by this SI are nbsp The molecular mechanisms of ageing Metabolic ageing microbiota Immune metabolism and senescence

Richard Faragher the former Chair of the BSRA first British President of the American Aging Association and Professor of Biogerontology at the University of Brighton was awarded the BSRA Lord Cohen of Birkenhead Medal for services to gerontology at the BSRA ASM in Durham last week First awarded in 1980 the Lord Cohen Medal recognises individuals who

Thanks to everyone who attended the fabulous ASM at Durham last week We 8217 re sure you 8217 ll agree it was a resounding success held in beautiful surroundings Huge thanks to Dr David Weinkove for all his hard work in organising the events Some photos of the ASM and our public engagement event Help I 8217 m Ageing nbsp nbsp

BSRA ASM 2016 8211 Durham The 2016 BSRA is soon upon us Being held at The School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences at Durham University on the 4 6th July 2016 with the theme of 8216 Evolution and the Biology of Ageing 8217 Speakers include Daniel Promislow University of Washington Tom Kirkwood Newcastle University Susan Ozanne University of Cambridge Pat