74th Annual Scientific Meeting of the BSRA (2025): The Biology of Ageing

SAVE THE DATE – 3rd – 5th September 2025, Dalton Building, Manchester Metropolitan University In 2025, the BSRA is pleased to be hosting its 74th annual scientific meeting on the biology of ageing at Manchester Metropolitan University between the 3rd and 5th September. The conference will take place in the brand new Dalton Building (The

BSRA Seminar Series

BSRA seminar series

BSRA is pleased to run a series of webinars covering many aspects of the biology of ageing. All seminars will start at 4.00pm and members will receive the webinar link by email. Want to attend? Email seminars@bsra.org.uk to be added to the event list. Speaker Lineup 11/Jan/24 – Professor Rik Henson (University of Cambridge, UK) Effects