Support Us
Though our fundraising efforts, the BSRA has supported generations of graduate students, early career researchers and actively built the capacity of the UK’s world renowned ageing biology research community. With your help, we can do so much more.
Read more about our vision to further grow research in this field and ensure that everyone can live longer, healthier lives.

Why donate to the BSRA?
It has never been more important to support research into the biology of ageing. The population has aged and there are millions of healthy people that are worried about their future. While research has found out a huge amount about ageing we still need to know much more to find more interventions that will help people to stay healthy for longer and prevent chronic diseases of ageing.
Ageing research takes time and resources to do properly and a lack of funding compared to research into major diseases, means that resources are limiting progress.
We also help research findings to be translated into practical useful ways to keep people healthy.
How you can help
Your donation, whatever its size, will help us advance research in the biology of ageing, as well as help implement the findings of that research.
Some examples of what your donation can do:
£100: Supply an essential reagent for a research project, such as a chemical that reveals areas of a cell undergoing ageing-causing damage
£1,000: Enable a scientist to be seconded to the research group an ageing biology expert, bringing together different skills to tackle ageing. For example, enabling expert clinicians and geneticists to work together
£5,000-10,000: Complete a pilot study to test a new idea, such as gathering data on why brain cells change with age
£20,000: Support a Masters of Research (MRes) student to complete their research degree, starting a new scientist on their career as an ageing biologist
£100,000: Enable a young scientist to complete a doctorate in ageing biology, producing a new world expert and advancing the field of ageing biology
The BSRA can leverage your donation in order to attract higher levels of funding to support research. For example £5000 funds a small initial research project that helps to secure further funding of up to £500,000 from a Research Council or other large funding body.
For more information, please contact us at

The BSRA would like to acknowledge some of our more significant supporters for helping support our mission.
Glenn Foundation For Medical Research
Good health is key to a happy old age. The science of ageing has reached a point at which even small amounts of carefully targeted funding will yield great social returns.
Leaving a gift in your Will helps us to continue to support excellent scientific research into the ageing process where the impact will be an improvement in quality of later life. To find out more click here.