Category: Research

Call for Nominations to the Board of Trustees The British Society for Research on Ageing BSRA is regularly looking for new trustees to help run the society As well as during the annual call for nominations to the Board of Trustees it is possible to nominate yourself at any time The BSRA is a charitable incorporated

Up to 40 Travel Awards for Early and Mid Career Researchers are available from the UKRI MRC National Musculoskeletal Ageing Network to support registration travel and accommodation costs for the BSRA Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 6 8 September 2023 University of Westminster London UK Award details Each Travel Award will cover travel accommodation and conference

By Mireya Vazquez Prada winner of the British Society of Research on Ageing Korenchevsky Award 2021 When conferences migrated to cyberspace in 2020 I was initially apprehensive Conferences are my favourite feature of postgraduate life a chance to learn of recent breakthroughs and return to the lab brimming with new ideas Though the British Society of

Call for Nominations to the Board of Trustees The British Society for Research on Ageing BSRA is seeking nominations to appoint to their Board of Trustees The BSRA is a charitable incorporated organisation that was formed as a Society in 1939 by researchers studying the biology of ageing It works to promote and support research

Nutrition and Biology of Ageing Meeting 12 14 September 2022 University of Kent Canterbury This is a joint event between the British Society for Research on Ageing BSRA and the Biochemical Society There is an ongoing demographic shift with populations ageing globally and an urgent need for strategies to improve age related health Recent research into the

Professional Internship at the British Society for Research on Ageing Promoting research on the biology of ageing to address major societal challenges Supervisor Dr Marina Ezcurra society trustee and lecturer in the Biology of Ageing at U of Kent Improvements in healthcare and nutrition mean that we now live longer than ever before but with