“Help I’m Ageing!” – BSRA 2016 public event

Public Engagement Early Career Researcher WorkshopDavid_Weinkove

Monday 4th July 4pm until 6pm, Collingwood College

Members of the public are invited to discuss the biology of ageing with early career researchers.

Anyone interested should email david.weinkove@durham.ac.uk

Many of us are concerned about ageing or ageing of friends and family. Claims about what keeps us healthy emanate from the media, advertising and everyday conversation. However, the biology of ageing is complex and scientists have many different opinions and experimental approaches. What researchers actually do and why they do it is not widely understood. Conversely, researchers do not always appreciate what the public wants to know or how they think about ageing. This event brings scientists and the general public together for a unique conversation.

Further details of this event are available here.

A Livestream of the event can be found here.



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