Marketing Manchester Convention Bureau is the official accommodation provider for the 74th Annual Scientific Meeting of the BSRA (2025): The Biology of Ageing.
All rooms are held on an on-line system, allowing you to book and secure your own accommodation using either pro-forma invoices or credit/debit card. If you require any assistance with your reservation, support is available via the Accommodation Booking Team.
To book accommodation for this event, please use the following link: https://book.passkey.com/e/50899246
Negotiated delegate rates will be available to book until the end of the day on 4th August 2025. so please book as soon as possible to guarantee a room. If you have any queries about the website, please contact Marketing Manchester Convention Bureau.
About Manchester
- For more information on Manchester as a destination please log onto https://www.meetinmanchester.com/ ; here you will discover all things to do in Manchester – from events and attractions to fine dining and a great night out.
- Download a digital version of the city Centre map
- For city transport information please see tfgm.com
Should you have any queries, please contact Manchester Convention Bureau at abs@visitmanchester.com