About BSRA 2025

About BSRA 2025

The conference has one central theme: The Biology of Ageing, but with many sub-themes across sessions. The world’s leading experts will give their insights into the biology of ageing. Leading international speakers will present the latest evidence and encourage discussion and interaction, alongside elevated talks from abstract submissions of all career stages. Eelvated talks from early career researchers will be eligible for the Korenchevsky prize (Annual Awards – BSRA). The prize is funded attendance to The American Aging Association (AGE) (americanagingassociation.org) meeting to present their work. Prizes will also be available for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed posters. The conference lasts a total of 3 days including:

  • 6 x Oral communication sessions (2 invited speakers and 3 elevated speakers per session)
  • 3 x Keynote speakers
  • 2 x Panel discussions
  • A Public lecture from Prof Stuart Phillips (McMaster University, Canada)
  • An Early career scientists workshop
  • A sponsored symposium 
  • Conference dinner and posters receptions 
  • The 3rd edition of the Healthy Ageing Fun Run, led by Paul Morgan


  • Events running for the past 73 years with a proven track record.
  • >20 countries represented
  • Highly relevant exhibitors to the biology of ageing
  • Highly regarded conference for scientific progression
  • Expert speakers, with the highest reputation in the biology of ageing, flown in from around the world
  • Exceptional feedback from our 2024 delegates

So, how does submission of abstracts work?

Amongst other sessions, our programme has a total of 6 oral sessions which are structured in the following format:

  1. Invited speaker (~25 mins)
  2. Elevated speaker (~10 mins)
  3. Elevated speaker (~10 mins)
  4. Elevated speaker (~10 mins)
  5. Invited speaker (~25 mins)

During abstract submission, you will be asked if you would like to be considered for an oral presentation or remain as a poster. A small number of submissions will be considered by the Board for 10 minute elevated oral presentation and you will be informed in advance of the outcome. For the first 4 of the 6 oral sessions (on days 1 and 2), the elevated oral presentations will be predominantly from early career researchers, who will then be eligible for the Korenchevsky prize. The Korenhevsky prize is awarded each year to the best early career researcher elevated oral presentation. The winner will be presented with their award at the conference dinner on the evening of day 2. Poster awards will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. This year, we will have 2 poster receptions.