BSRA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

4th – 6th September 2024, University of Birmingham


In 2024, the BSRA is pleased to be hosting its annual general meeting at the University of Birmingham between the 4th and 6th September. The conference will take place in the University of Birmingham Medical School, one of Britain’s largest and oldest.

For the second year, we are also pleased to host the UK Ageing Networks (UKAN) as a a one day satellite meeting, this year being held on 3rd of September. The UK Ageing Network is organising registration and scheduling for this satellite meeting, registration for the BSRA meeting does not automatically entail entry to the UKAN / BSRA satellite.


Full Programme Here

Abstract submission for 2024 is now closed. With a record number of submitted abstracts in 2024, this meeting is looking like our biggest yet.

Register here


Speakers confirmed so far (subject to change):

  • Cynthia Kenyon [Calico]
  • Linda Partidge [UCL]
  • Deborah Dunn Walters [University of Surrey]
  • Evandro Fei Fang [University of Oslo]
  • Joao Passos [Mayo Clinic]
  • Joao Pedro Magalhaes [University of Birmingham]
  • Kambiz Alavian [Imperial College London]
  • Alex Zhavoronkov [Insilico Medicine]
  • Manuel Serrano [Altos Labs]
  • Stephen Harridge [Kings College London]
  • Claire Steves [Kings College London]
  • Peter Hamley [Apollo Ventures]
  • Gordan Lauc [University of Zagreb]
  • Oliver Witard [Kings College London]
  • Johannes Grillari [Ludwig Boltzmann Institute]


Are you coming?

Register here


Poster Guidelines

  • Portrait (not landscape)
  • A0 as a maximum size


Elevated Oral Guidelines

  • 7 minutes in length
  • up to 3 minutes for questions
  • Standard lecture hall podium setup with a Windows computer will be available for PowerPoint slides



Thanks to our major sponsors who are supporting this meeting



We are also thankful for sponsorship from the following

  • Abbvie
  • Insilico Medicine
  • Glycan Age
  • Informed Genomics
  • Starlab
  • Yakult